As the holiday season is approaching we will be looking for greeting cards for our friends and family members. There are great artists out there who hand embroider and cross stitch greeting cards turning them into art objects. One of the amazing greeting cards' artist is Aleksandra of AleksandraRoo.
Could you please tell us a bit about yourself?
Originally I am from Russia, but today I live in a beautiful American city Pittsburgh (go Steelers!) with my husband Buzz and our precious Maltese Chewy. Me and my husband met 4 years ago and since then I couldn’t imagine my life without him – I had to travel half way around the world to find my best friend and my love. I am an Early Education teacher by day (I convert terrible twos into little individuals), and a craftoholic by night.
How did you start?
There was a time when I had 24 hours a day to myself. I wasn’t able to work nor go to school at that time, so I decided I will teach myself graphic software, something that I was – and still am – so passionate about (my dream was to make 2D animation films). I learned Photoshop and Illustrator, and was fascinated by what you can do with colors. I think my love for crafts started just then. I found myself crocheting, making wire jewelry, quilling, scrapbooking, cross stitching, sewing (you name it, I’ve done it). I think I’ve found a creative volcano inside me that was waiting to erupt. I couldn’t decide on what to focus my attention, so I kept on going. 4 years later I find that the best creations I make are the ones that combine two different crafts in one finished product.
What are your main sources of inspiration?
Minimalism has been my very early inspiration (thanks to my older brother Vladimir). I love being able to send a strong message by using only few (yet enough) elements in my cards. I often like to use a single element and let one’s imagination do the rest. Being an Early Education teacher I know how important it is not to give away all the secrets at once and let children figure out the rest – something that a grown up definitely can benefit from, as well.
My two year old friends are my great source of inspiration also: genuine, honest, and joyful. I can not create anything but greeting cards filled with happiness.
Along with my minimalistic nature, I am an extreme perfectionist. I constantly try to have my finished products looking polished, clean, and simply perfect. If something doesn’t look right, I start from the beginning. I am very harsh on myself when it comes down to my crafting (and everything else, really). But I know one thing - it all worth the time.

1 Comment:
Great interview! Her greeting cards are so pretty!
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